Thank You For Your Interest in
When Change Becomes Conflict!
I hope you enjoy and gain valuable insights from your FREE Chapter – When Changes Become Conflict – taken from my book Resume Of A Disciple – Stepping Up Spiritually. Gaining new inspirations about your Unique Spiritual Identity and learning to understand the nature of the gift that conflict brings to us gives you a BIG step up in life.
No one likes to go it alone, especially through the mine fields of interpersonal conflict. By connecting with your own sense of Spirit and co-creating with me serving as your personal coach, you can gain the benefits of a greater understanding about the nature of conflict.
If old ways of thinking and acting have not proved rewarding to you, then NOW is the best time to transcend and transform the old, limiting perceptions. Replace them with new ones that have a track record of helping people resolve conflicts.
With NEW personal energy management tools, perceptions and concepts, conflict resolution strategies, and communication skill sets, you will quickly move into a more empowered place in managing and resolving conflicts.
Remember – when you are well served, you are able to better serve all the others that you desire to reach with your message, your business, your products, your programs and in all your relationships. And you become an awakened peacemaker wherever you are!
Let’s get started!